frequently asked


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  • 01
    What is Granite?

    Granite is a type of intrusive igneous rock that forms beneath the Earth’s surface from the slow cooling of magma. It is composed mainly of quartz, feldspar, and mica, giving it a coarse-grained texture.

    Granite is known for its durability and hardness, making it a popular choice for construction and architectural purposes, such as pavement and monuments. Its diverse colours and patterns are a result of varying mineral compositions. Granite has been used for centuries and continues to be prized for its aesthetic appeal and resilience.

  • 02
    Does Adelaide Black contain Crystalline Silica?

    Adelaide Black boasts remarkably low levels of crystalline silica, with reports indicating it to be less than 2%.

    This level is notably lower than that found in other types of granite.

  • 03
    What is the benefit of using Granite compared to other stones?

    Granite is often considered superior to other natural stones for several reasons:

    1. Durability: Granite is extremely durable and resistant to wear and tear. It is less prone to scratching and chipping compared to other natural stones like marble.
    2. Hardness: Granite is one of the hardest natural stones, making it highly resistant to abrasion. This property makes it ideal for high-traffic areas and surfaces that may face heavy use.
    3. Heat Resistance: Renowned for its outstanding resistance to heat, granite proves resilient against elevated temperatures. This quality renders it well-suited for use in commercial spaces, particularly in areas subjected to the challenging Australian climate.
    4. Variety of Colours and Patterns: Granite offers a wide range of colours and patterns due to its diverse mineral composition. This variety allows for greater customisation and aesthetic appeal in different applications.
    5. Low Maintenance: Granite requires minimal maintenance compared to other natural stones. It is relatively easy to clean and does not require special sealants as frequently as some other natural stones, contributing to its popularity in residential and commercial settings.

    While granite has these advantages, the choice of natural stone ultimately depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user, as each type of stone has its own unique characteristics and applications.

  • 04
    Why is Australian granite considered superior to imported stone?

    Regulatory Compliance and Stability:

    • Australian Granite: Local sourcing ensures compliance with Australian government regulations, providing a stable and reliable supply chain. This can be crucial for projects that require stable supply and consistency in material quality and adherence to national standards. Choosing Australian granite can offer a more stable and predictable procurement process.
    • Imported Granite: Depending on the country of origin, dealing with imported materials may involve navigating different regulatory frameworks. Changes in foreign regulations or political instability could impact the availability and consistency of the granite supply, introducing potential challenges for project timelines and quality control.

    Local Sourcing and Support:

      • Australian Granite: Choosing locally sourced granite supports domestic industries and local economies. It may also align with environmental sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation.
    1. Quality Control:
      • Australian Granite: Local production allows for more direct oversight and quality control. Buyers can have confidence in the adherence to local regulations and standards.
      • Imported Granite: While some international suppliers maintain high standards, the distance may pose challenges in ensuring consistent quality.
    1. Cost Considerations:
      • Australian Granite: Local production may result in lower transportation costs, potentially making it more cost-effective, depending on the specific project requirement.
      • Imported Granite: While transportation costs may be higher, the overall cost could be competitive due to a wider range of options and potential economies of scale.
    1. Environmental Impact:
      • Australian Granite: Generally, sourcing locally can reduce the environmental impact associated with transportation. It may align with sustainable practices, especially if quarries adhere to responsible extraction methods.
      • Imported Granite: Transportation over long distances can contribute to a higher carbon footprint. However, some international suppliers prioritize sustainable practices.
    1. Cultural and Regional Considerations:
      • Australian Granite: Using local materials can contribute to a sense of regional identity and pride, aligning with the preferences of those who prioritises choosing Australian materials. Choosing Australian granite not only ensures regulatory alignment but also aligns with a commitment to supporting the Australian economy, making it a holistic and sustainable choice.
      • Imported Granite: Provides opportunities to incorporate diverse global influences, catering to a broader range of design inspirations.

    Ultimately, the choice between Australian and imported granite depends on factors such as design preferences, budget constraints, environmental considerations, and support for local industries. Both options offer unique advantages, and the decision should align with the specific needs and values of the project or consumer.

  • 05
    Does Australia quarry granite and stone?

    Yes, Australia has granite deposits, and there are granite quarries across the country. Australian granite is known for its diverse range of colours and patterns, making it suitable for various applications such as construction, countertops, monuments, and landscaping.

    Some regions in Australia where granite quarries are found include:

    1. New South Wales: Granite quarries are present in regions such as the New England Tablelands.
    2. Queensland: Various areas in Queensland have granite deposits, and quarries are operated to extract this natural stone.
    3. South Australia: The Mount Lofty Ranges and other areas in South Australia have granite formations, and quarries in this region extract granite for commercial use.
    4. Western Australia: Granite quarries can be found in parts of Western Australia, contributing to the supply of this durable stone.

    It’s important to note that different quarries in Australia may produce granite with distinct colours and characteristics, depending on the geological composition of the specific region. If you are interested in Australian granite for a particular project, it’s advisable to contact local suppliers or quarry operators to inquire about the availability and characteristics of the granite from specific regions.

  • 06
    Is Australian granite prone to water marking and staining?

    All types of granite and natural stones are recommended to be sealed, regardless of its origin.

    Although granite is typically the most durable and resistant natural stone, susceptibility depends on factors like granite type, sealant quality, and maintenance. Sealing, especially with high-quality sealants, can enhance resistance. Regular cleaning, prompt spill cleanup, and testing cleaning solutions are key practices to maintain the granite’s appearance.

  • 07
    Can you supply and fix Australian Granite?

    Yes. Granites of Australia stands as the foremost supplier of high-quality Australian granite, specifically the sought-after Adelaide Black, with a diverse range sourced from the country’s plentiful quarries. Additionally, installation services are available nationwide through their affiliated company, Sam the Paving Man.

  • 08
    Does Granites of Australia have storage and warehousing capability for handling stock?

    Granite’s of Australia has vast warehousing capabilities and stocks ready made material in both Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne cities. Please get in touch with our team to discuss your specific project requirements.

  • 09
    What are your lead times for supplying Australian Granite?

    Generally, lead times range between 2-10 weeks, however lead time is dependent on size, thickness, finish, and overall quantity required for your project.

    Please get in touch with our team to provide a firm lead time for your order.


  • 10
    How hard is granite?

    Granite is considered a hard and durable natural stone. On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, which ranges from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest), granite typically falls within the 6 to 7 range. This places it in the category of stones that are relatively hard and resistant to scratching. Granite’s hardness is due to its mineral composition, which primarily includes quartz, feldspar, and mica. This hardness makes granite a popular choice for various applications, including countertops, flooring, and architectural elements, where durability and resistance to wear are important factors.